FAQ on PhD

After I complete my GT MS degree at GT-Shenzhen, I would like to pursue Ph.D. studies in a new discipline at GT-Atlanta. Do I have to re-apply?
You will need to re-reply. Each Ph.D. program will have its own application procedures and deadlines, so please inquire with the graduate program director for the discipline of your interest.


I have completed my GT MS degree at GT-Shenzhen and would like to pursue a MS or Ph.D. in another discipline. What is the application procedure?
Please contact the home department of your discipline of interest for more information on their procedures.


Prof. X in the GT College of Computing (CoC) collaborates with Prof. Y in the GT School of ECE. Prof. X is willing to offer me a Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) position. He appreciates my ECE background and does not mind if I remain an ECE Ph.D. student. Prof. Y has agreed to act as my ECE co-advisor. Is this a feasible arrangement?
Yes. Under this arrangement, your home department is ECE and you will receive a Ph.D. degree from ECE. Prof. Y will need to check with Prof. X prior to the start of each semester to get the updated GRA support level and account number and pass that information onto his/her accountant. Prof. Y’s accountant will then do the paperwork to ensure that your tuition waiver and your stipend are set up correctly for the following semester. It is important that there is a clear understanding between Prof. X and Prof. Y regarding who is paying the GRA and for which semesters.