Course Offerings for Summer 2024 Semester

On-Site: May 13 – July 25 | Video: May 13 – August 1

Course Course Title Major Restriction(s) Instructor(s)
CEE 6310 Process Principles in Environmental Engineering Prof. Hang Dong
CEE 6311 Microbial Principles in Environmental Engineering Prof. Jianfeng Zhou
CEE 6312 Chemical Principles in Environmental Engineering Prof. Wenlong Zhang
CEE 6315 Environmental Nanotechnology Prof. Jianfeng Zhou
CEE 6332 Separation Processes Prof. Hang Dong
CS 6340 Advanced Topics in Software Analysis and Testing CS, ECE Prof. Qirun Zhang
CS 6460 Educational Technology: Conceptual Foundations
(online course with in-person recitations)
Prof. David Joyner & Fandi Peng
CS 6603 AI, Ethics, and Society CS Prof. Mahender Mandala &
Recitation Instructor: Chi Chung “Marcus” Chan
CS 6750 Human-Computer Interaction Prof. David Joyner & Fandi Peng
ECE 4115 Introduction to Computer Security
(ECE 4115 RSL must accompany this registration)
Prof. Changlai Du
ECE 6605 Information Theory Prof. Faramarz Fekri
ECE 7751 Probabilistic Graphical Models in Machine Learning Prof. Faramarz Fekri
ISYE 6227 Introduction to Financial Engineering Prof. Shijie Deng
ISYE 6669 Deterministic Optimization Prof. Yuang Chen
ISYE 6748 Applied Analytics Practicum ANLT Prof. Xiaoming Huo &
Prof. Joel Sokol
ISYE 6783 Financial Data Analysis Prof. Shijie Deng
ISYE 7751 Probabilistic Graphical Models in Machine Learning Prof. Faramarz Fekri
Course Title Major Restriction(s) Instructor(s)
CS 6200 Graduate Introduction to Operating Systems CS Prof. Ada Gavrilovska
CS 6262 Network Security CS Prof. Wenke Lee
CS 6300 Software Development Process CS Prof. Alessandro Orso
CS 6310 Software Architecture and Design CS Prof. Mark Moss
CS 6400 Database Systems Concepts and Design Prof. Leo Mark
CS 6515 Introduction to Graduate Algorithms Prof. Gerandy Brito 
CS 6601 Artificial Intelligence CS, ANLT Prof. Rodrigo Valente
CS 6675 Advanced Internet Computing Systems and Applications CS Prof. Ling Liu
CS 6747

Advanced Topics in Malware Analysis

= ECE 6747 Advanced Topics in Malware Analysis

CS Prof. Brendan Saltaformaggio
CS 7637 Knowledge-Based AI CS, ANLT Prof. David Joyner
CS 7638 Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Robotics CS, ECE Prof. Harish Ravichandar
CS 7641 Machine Learning CS, ANLT Prof. Theodore LaGrow
CS 7643 Deep Learning CS, ANLT Prof. Zsolt Kira
CS 7646 Machine Learning for Trading CS, ANLT Prof. David Joyner
ECE 6550 Linear Systems and Controls Prof. Yorai Wardi
ECE 6747

Advanced Topics in Malware Analysis

= CS 6747 Advanced Topics in Malware Analysis

ECE Prof. Brendan Saltaformaggio 
ID 8803
Special Topics: 3D Design Visualization Methods Prof. Timothy Purdy 
MGT 8803 Business for Analytics ANLT Prof. Marc Wechsler

(Courses are subject to change.)

Major restrictions will not be removed.